Job Title: Cat Product Tester
Job Description: Test everything a cat has ever touched to ensure overall deliciousness.
Hobbies: Drooling, tripping over everything, eating weeds and rocks.
Fudge is a wrecking ball! He doesn't wait for anybody and if he wants to get somewhere he just pushes his way through. He is not a coordinated dog by any means and he loves to play in the bed and jump on the bed and fall off the bed... Fudgie is a mess. He tries to run on tile and runs into everything. He chews on things he shouldn't chew and he jumps up on strangers (gently, but he still does it). Fudge loves to snorkel, or something like that. He sticks his whole face in the water dish up to his ears and soaks every face wrinkle to ensure that if we don't dry him just right all day long, he will stink like he is molding! Fudgie is young and he is a disaster of a pup, so why do absolutely adore this dog?
Fudge is the biggest clown and he is so dopey when he runs and when he plays with the other dogs. He is always making us laugh. The first time Fudge ever say the lawn mower, (it wasn't running, just stored under the carport) he froze up and started barking as if he really thought it could understand what he wanted to say. Since the lawn mower just sat there doing nothing (as they tend to do without an operator), he got scared and ran to Mom and hid behind her to bark at it more, but safely this time. Fudge is our own personal jester and he can make even the grumpiest person smile.
The other thing about Fudge, the side of himself that he only ever shows Mom, is what a wonderful, empathetic dog he is. Without any prompting he always knows when mom is sad or stressed out and he stops being the wild boar that he is and takes time to always make it better by being a big, warm teddy bear (with a big sloppy tongue!). Fudgie is a doggie berserker, but he is an incredibly loving dog and it is impossible to not love him back.
Job Title: Food Tester
Job Description: Test food by using giant tongue as a conveyor belt.
Hobbies: Dancing with joy, stealing things out of Mom's pocket, epic battles with the sprinkler.
Penny came to us as a very shy dog who did not seem to enjoy being around people at all. She spent most of her time on the dog bed under the desk, where she was hidden from the world, but able to watch everything going on around her. She had to be carried in and out of the house for potty times because she was too scared to move for the first several weeks. It was a learning curve for us to be able to get her to even eat.
It took a while, but Penny is now an incredible, social dog who insists on being a part of everything! When I come home from work, she dances with excitement to see me. She even jumps up and steals my phone out of my pocket and runs with it because that is apparently how we play now. Penny's smile is infectious and everyone who meets her leaves happy. She is so confident now, she even begs for food from guests.
Penny loves to play with the hose and she loves to be a part of the group. Penny's favorite trips are to the lake for walks. She is a great walking companion and she is very social with all the new people she meets.
Penny is still not a fan of a lot of ruckus, so she still enjoys her bed under the desk, but when only Mom is in the room, she comes out to sit on her lap and lick her face, but as soon as someone loud comes in, she sneaks back to her bed and waits for them to leave, after which she immediately runs back to Mom for more love. Penny is a very good dog (who occasionally eats a cat toy even though she knows better) and she was absolutely worth every bit of work.
Job Title: Offensive Tackle
Job Description: Run fast, fly at knees
Hobbies: Running fast, tackling, commandeering the treats of others, demanding butt rubs.
Num Num is an incredibly needy dog with a huge heart. She lives for butt rubs and general sillyness. She loves to play with other dogs and she doesn't care at all about the normally pleasantries of meeting a new friends. There will be no butt-sniffing or circling, there will only be running at full speed to meet (and terrify) all new friends.
While Num Num lacks manners, she makes up for it with never ending happiness, which she shares with everyone she meets without regard to age, race, gender or species. Num Num loves strangers and despite mom's repeated requests not to do so, she greets them at full speed every time.
Num Num is independent in a lot of ways, but when she wants loves, she will climb fully in your lap until she is done. She likes things on her terms, which means right when she wants them every time. If she wakes up from a nap in the middle of the night, she wants everyone to know she cannot sleep and needs everyone to wake up and play with her until she is tired again. Some might consider this rude, but she feels it is one of her more endearing traits.
She loves walks around the lake, but what she likes even more than that is to stop and sniff everything she passes and lay in grass or flower beds, with or without some light rolling around, but her absolute favorite thing to do after a long day of doing whatever she wants is to push Beanie off on Mom's chest while they are laying together and plop down next to mom in a half-spoon cuddle and take a nap with her head on Mom's shoulder (and for the record, she is generous enough to allow Beanie to have Mom's other shoulder). Num Num is a unique, wonderful girl who always keeps things interesting.
Job Title: Ghost Guardian
Job Description: Protecting the family from the windy phantoms coming out of the vents
Hobbies: Following dad around, running as fast as possible on tile until there is no more control and all efforts resemble hopping like a bunny, climbing everything, drooling everywhere, swimming.
At no point have we even discussed getting another male since Johnny Cage came around, so I never would have expected to be here writing about one more male bulldog in the family, but here he is; our beautiful, sweet, wrinkly baby; Party Boy.
When Elara gave birth to Party Boy, he came out an only child, which is very uncommon for dogs, and because of this Elara did not produce milk to keep this baby alive, so PB was Dad's first ever bottle baby and, as is very common in this situation, Dad got VERY attached (how could he not when he has to wake up every 2 hours to feed this guy and do everything for him). So it looks like PB is here to stay.
He may be young, but this guy already has such a huge personality. He is a typical demanding bulldog who wants all of the attention, but he doesn't care who he gets it from. He does not let anything get in his way and he has become a very accomplished climber. Party Boy is a tongue fu master and he has perfected the art of snaking his tongue into the mouths of unsuspecting speakers and he declines to accept anyone's belief that this behavior is rude. He also loves to play and cuddle and he has managed to make everyone fall in love with him. We are very excited to watch this boy grow and are working to train him for AKC conformation shows.