Job Title: Dog Product Tester
Job Description: Taste every treat, chew all toys to test durability and absorbency.
Hobbies: Barking at Dad for no apparent reason, hiking, running really fast, sitting on AC vents.
This dog is an absolute toddler! He is the typical bulldog who acts like a spoiled child. Ok fine, so that is partly because we spoil him (like a lot!), but he takes it to the extreme. Tonka LOVES toys and when he doesn't feel like sharing he will collect them and lay on top of them like a mother hen so no one else can play with them.
Tonka is surprisingly athletic for the breed and he can jump easily onto things 2-3 times his height. He loves to go hiking and bouldering, but there is nothing he enjoys more than a long, shady picnic at the state park. Tonka really enjoys being challenged with all the weird things Mom asks of him during photo sessions, even when he falls in the creek.
In the summer, Tonka can be found resting his man-berries on the floor vents, enjoying the absolute wonder that is central air. During the winter, Tonka just wants to cuddle! He adores fuzzy blankets and being wrapped in mom's arms and he hates it when Dad wakes him up on winter mornings for the first potty time of the day. He has developed a routine. First, Tonka ignores Dad and pretends to be sleeping. Then when he knows he can't hide it anymore, he rolls over and demands a belly rub, because if he is cute, then we won't make him go outside in the cold, right? Since this never works and Dad always tells him he still has to go outside and potty, he will then bolt out of the room faster than anyone could follow so he can hide in the bathroom and laugh (presumably), as Dad walks past him to open the door to let the dogs out to the yard. When the coast is clear, Tonka runs to the bed and stomps on Mom until she wakes up and lets him under the covers so Dad can't find him. He does all this and still has to go outside in the end, but we can all just let him think we he is winning anyways because we love him.
Tonka will always be the baby, no matter who else comes to join our home. He still makes it clear that he is our big baby and will be treated as such. When he wants to be carried around he will jump up on the bed and bark until Mom or Dad comes to him, then he puts his paws up on our shoulders and this is how we know he wants to be carried around the house, because, as I said before, he is a freaking toddler! We love Tonka for these and so many other reasons.
Job Title: Face Warmer
Job Description: Sleeping on people's faces.
Hobbies: Playing with dogs much bigger than I am, unzipping zippers, chewing toes of unsuspecting people.
Johnny is the all around fantastic. He was a breeze to housebreak and is so attentive and trainable, even with all the distractions in our home. He is sweet and playful, but just so great at cuddling too. He has still not fully mastered taking treats gently (rather than acting like a ravenous piranha), but he is getting better.
JC gets along with everyone; people, dogs, cats, bunnies... and he is the puppy ambassador of the house. If two dogs are bickering over a toy, he interjects and takes the toy so there can be no more conflict. He holds his own with dogs who far outweigh him, but he never antagonizes for no reason. He is definitely filling the role of boss of the yard. He goes out of his way to find all of my hair ties that have been misplaced and carries them around proudly until someone comes to get them, and if some light chewing happens in the meantime, I guess that is just his finder's fee.
This boy loves to run and play and go new places. He absolutely loves to spend time at the feed store where everyone comes to fawn over him. Unfortunately this has made him the slightest bit spoiled and he feels that when he wants attention he should get it immediately, without any hesitation. If no one responds to his need for attention in a timely manner he will bark so loud and so hard that his ears pop up and he turns into a Frenchie.
Johnny discovered rope toys fairly early on and never looked back. He has used them to become an absolutely incredible athlete. Johnny uses tug-o-war as a way to help blow off steam and reduce stress in the pack. He has a way of using his incredible enthusiasm to get every dog involved. Johnny may be the most congenial dog I have ever met.
Johnny has been a wonderful addition to our family and we are so grateful to have him.
Job Title: Shoe Inspector
Job Description: Checking all shoes for durability and stability.
Hobbies: Squeaking, greeting strangers at the store, being tall (by standing on other dogs or people), pouncing.
Duke was an unexpected addition but one that we are very grateful for. He is an incredibly sweet, loving dog who just always has to be the star of the show. Duke is a ham for the camera and loves his photo sessions. He has never met a stranger because everyone who walks into his life is his friend (whether they like it or not).
Duke wants to watch life from the highest perch and he climbs on everything including his sister and his people. Duke loves to sleep on my head and chew on my hair, he does not believe in personal space. He is a very active boy who always has to be moving and running and jumping. I cannot recall the last time I saw Duke without a smile on his face.
Job Title: Artist
Job Description: Painting
Hobbies: Making messes, hopping like a tiny antelope, begging for coffee
Bobby is the tiniest bulldog I have ever met. At 8 weeks he had not even reached 3 lbs (average weight at this age is 8-10 lbs). Despite being cleared for health by multiple vets, Bob just stays small. Despite his size, he definitely acts his age, running and jumping and climbing anywhere and everywhere. His best friend is a Golden Retriever named Prudence who is more than 10 times his size, but he never backs down.
During his 8th week of life, Bobby discovered mom's paint supplies, so we indulged him and he has found a real passion in painting. His absolute favorite method is smush painting (of course, what dog doesn't love it!), but he does great things with his paws as well. Bob insists on painting first thing every day and he loves to pick out his own colors. Bobby's artwork and escapades can be seen on his Instagram page Bobby Boucher-Johnson (@bobbysartworld) • Instagram photos and videos
Bobby is with us 24 hrs a day. He sleeps in our bed or in his bassinet next to our bed. He is so tiny that he still fits in a bag and can go with us anywhere. I am not sure that he knows he is not a human baby. Follow Bobby on Instagram at the above link to watch him grow!