Job Title: Weighted Blanket
Job Description: Sleep on Mom's chest all night so she doesn't float away.
Hobbies: Chasing the laser pointer, getting really dizzy chasing the laser pointer, panting really hard after chasing the laser pointer.
Beanie is CRAZY! She is all over the place and into everything. If we are home, you will be hard pressed to find Beanie without toy in her mouth. There are so many toys to play with and she needs to make sure she gives each of them enough of her attention. If Bean could play all day and not have to sleep, I truly believe that would be heaven for her.
When Bean was a baby she came home as the fattest little puppy I have ever seen in my life. Her belly almost dragged on the ground, but she had so much spunk. She would always try to jump up on the bed but could never make it. Time after time, day after day, month after month, she would get a running start and jump as hard and as high as she could, but she mostly just bounced off the mattress and then came back and begged us to pick her up. Every time Bean tried to jump I always told her how amazing she is and how close she was to making it that time, even when she was not close at all, but that seemed to be enough for her to always try one more time. Then one day, she made it. It must have been 6 months after she joined our family, but she ran as fast as she could and launched right up onto the edge of the bed. She was so surprised that she had finally made it that she almost fell off (don't worry, I saved her). After that, she didn't make it up a second time for about 6 weeks, and the the third time about 3-4 weeks after that, but that third time seemed to be what she needed and now, thanks to many months of our constant encouragement, Beanie does whatever the hell she wants. Seriously, it didn't stop with the bed, or the couch, or the fence. Bean will literally jump right up into our arms while we stand if she wants attention now. Beanie somehow went from being the least coordinated puppy in the world to an incredible little athlete. She has mastered the weave poles (you know, when she feels like it), and going through a hoop. She is so fast and so determined that I don't think there is anything this tiny potato of a dog couldn't do if she decided to.
Bean has more energy than all of our other bulldogs combined (and none of our dogs are the stereotypical lazy bulldog by any means). She takes "love bites" to the extreme because she has decided to be the fastest kisser in the world (which truly impacts her aim and not in a good way). She runs around crazy and is by no means worn out by a walk around the lake. She is still ready for more when we get home. The only way to even remotely exhaust this dog is with time and a laser pointer. Bean doesn't give up on that little dot of light. She has that same "jump on the bed" determination that she puts into everything that she cares to do, so she will run back and forth in the yard a hundred times trying to get that dot. 20 circles to the left? No problem! Bean will run in circles until she falls over, and then get up and run some more (not in a straight line, mind you, but she tries). Bean is an exhausting dog, but at the end of the day, when she comes to bed and plops down on my chest, she calms everything for me. All the stress of the world goes away and there is just this beautiful girl and all her love for me dropped on my chest, forcing me to give all my attention to this wonderful moment. Beanie is totally crazy, but she just might be an angel sent to this world to be in my life.
Job Title: Executive Hugger
Job Description: Give warm hugs to all in need, nibble ears as deemed appropriate.
Hobbies: Slobbering on everyone, sniffing everything, playing hide and seek, barking at dad until he lifts me into bed.
Elara is the sweetest dog I have ever met. She greets everyone with a smile and gives the best hugs.
She is also a very patient dog. Even when she was little and Tonka and Beanie would rush me for treats, Ella would sit and wait her turn, because she knew I wouldn't forget about my fat lil' marshmallow. When I come home when the dogs are out and I come through the gate, the other dogs rush me and act ridiculous and Ella lays down on the far end of the yard and watches and waits until there is an opening and then runs full speed to get to me (and of course hug me, because that's kinda her thing).
Ella likes to lay on my head when she first gets in bed. I think it is competition with Beanie, since her spot is on my chest, Ella feels she needs to get the face-level of attention. She also likes to take this opportunity to put one front leg on my forehead to pin it in place and the other on my chest/neck and kiss every bit of my face before I can wiggle my way out from under her. It has become our routine. After Ella ensures I have had more bedtime kisses than anyone could ever ask for, she finds a spot near to or on top of Dad to settle for the night. If possible, she stretches herself across both of us to make sure everyone knows they are fully loved and protected under the marshmallow.
At home, Ella is an active girl who loves to run the yards and play with everything she can fit in her mouth (toy or not- mostly not). There are 2 things, however, that Ella doesn't do. The first thing is jump. Ella does not jump. In all of her time with us, I cannot recall a time that I have ever seen her even attempt to jump over or onto or off of anything. If she wants to get somewhere, she climbs (she is a fantastic climber) or she barks until someone helps her. She will not jump into the car, or onto the bed or even over low to the ground things outside. If she wants out of the car or off of something, she waits for dad to help her. This dog will not even attempt to jump and I have no idea why.
The other thing Ella doesn't really do is go for walks. The first time we tried to take her for a walk, she did fine through the harnessing and leashing process and she walked out of the yard with us, made it about 10 feet and laid down. With some coaxing, she went a little farther and laid down again. This went on the whole walk, turning what is normally a 15 minute walk into almost an hour- and we didn't even go the whole way! Ella has never been a fan of walking around the neighborhood and after a while of trying, we just had to give up. We tried for a while to walk her around the lake, which means there is a car ride involved to amp her up and get her ready to go, which helps some, but she still really only makes it from the car to the lake path and then she lays down in the grass and just smiles about it. Ella just doesn't do walks. Maybe she is just meant to go to the lake to lay with Dad and watch him fish.
Elara is not only the best hugger, she is the hugging supervisor and if anyone hugs another person, dog or anything else, Ella barks and barks until she is allowed to join in the hug. She truly believes that no hugs should happen without her. I have never met a dog like Ella.
Job Title: Bathroom Attendant
Job Description: Ensure bathroom remains stocked with dog for all users
Hobbies: Barking at ghosts, long naps, car rides and early morning walks, sniffing cats to test claw condition.
Maggie is a very sweet but independent dog. She gets along great with everyone-even if the cats don't think they get along with her as well as she thinks they do. Mags loves to play with anyone who will engage (except Fudge, because she thinks he is annoying).
She loves to join us in the bathroom and does not feel that to be invasive. She feels the need to engage with everyone regardless of what they are doing and per her deeply held personal beliefs, all of these tasks must be performed at full speed every time. Maggie LOVES belly rubs and she gets so excited at the idea of them that she will be fully upside down long before she stops running towards her target.
Mags loves to go for walks and explore new places. She always seems to know when we are heading to the hardware store and insists that she join us. She loves to go for car rides, but definitely enjoys the destinations more because there are always new people to meet.
Job Title: Clown
Job Description: Constantly make everyone laugh with bizarre antics
Hobbies: Doing the wave, dancing, being the bestest girl she can be all the time!
Luna is the sweetest, most hilarious happy dog on the planet. She is so dopey all the time and her enthusiasm for everything that goes on around her is infectious. Luna has more nicknames than any dog (Lu, Lulu, Looney, Mookie, Mookie Snaps, Luna Boo, Boo, Luna Moon, Moony, just to name a few), but she always knows when I am talking to her.
When we feed our dogs we have them sit and wait for us to put the bowls down before they can eat, but Luna always insists on trying to start a wave at every meal time. She brings her incredible energy into every situation. Luna's favorite activity is "Luna's Magic Bowl." Luna is very patient when I eat around her because she knows that when I am eating, when she looks away, her little bowl magically gets some of whatever I am eating. Luna loves to be around during mealtimes!
Luna's favorite trips are to the hardware store where everyone has known her and Duke since they were pups and they get all the love from everyone. Luna is a very special soul who spreads joy to every life she touches.